Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Chocolate and Orange Sponge with White Chocolate Sauce

Right. Not sure if I'm loving the idea of today's dessert. It makes me feel a bit nause. Mind you, that may be because I've eaten like I've been locked in a cupboard for the last 2 weeks! Since lunch (which was substantial in a salady/noodley kind of way), I've eaten 2 minty chocolate digestives, which were a revelation I have to say, a variety of other biscuits including chewy choc chip ones, a whole doughnut and a massive handful of jellybeans. Yowsers! The only pus in all of this - apart from the sheer delight of cramming a range of sugar based snacks down my throat - is that they were all free! Minty digestives couteousy of my colleague - thanks Adele - and the rest was delivered by a temping agency that we use in our office - thank you to them too.

I need a nice long nap now. Maybe a cup of tea.

I have a meeting in a bit but I'm quite sleep and lethargic. I think I shall take a note pad and look attentive but have lovely daydreams instead. I hope I'm not expected to answer questions.......

Oh, since you asked and all.... New York was fantastic! I drank far too many Tartinis and ate far too much of whatever was put in front of my continually open mouth. Great!

Other news this week is that my flat purchase in Hove is now moving on apace. It's all come as a bit of a surprise really as it was quiet on that score for a while. It looks like we can collect the keys on Friday - Yay! I shall then be able to live a more relaxed lifestyle splitting my time between the giddy headrush of London and the salty-aired calm of Hove. Aaahhh!

1 comment:

Bella Della said...

You are welcome Mr B.. I am pleased the minty digestives hit the spot for you.... My only concern were they in need of some clearasil spot reducing ointment?