Wednesday, November 07, 2007

I’ve had my fill!!

I’ve said this so many times over the years and I’m saying it again now. I’ve had enough of my job. I just wish I could think what I’d rather do instead. My problem is, I don’t have a clue.

After a meeting this morning with some very grumpy managers bleating on about the same old things (which they are responsible for) expecting me to be able to make things different for them. They seek my advice yet choose not to take it, making our processes unfair.

Bugger! I’ve done this for a long time now, for the same company and I’m pretty sure it’s time for a change. Ridiculously, my job is to recruit people and to advise others within our company how to consider their suitability for other roles, yet I can’t apply my own advice to myself.

I feel a bit trapped as I’m now approaching 40 and it just gets harder and harder to change your career when you get to this age. What now? Well, my first instinct is to begin running in circles, yelling a lot whilst tearing at my remaining hair.

I need a plan, I need to find out what it is that I really want to do when I grow up. However, the grown up part already happened and I forgot to check the calendar, so it’s all come as a bit of a surprise.

I want to work in London where it will only take me a short time to get to work – I travel 1.5 hours each way every day.
I want to work for a well-recognised brand with a reputation for innovative thinking and a unique style, like the company I work for now.
I want to be close enough to my friends so that I could meet them for lunch on a work day if we wanted to.
Do I want too much?

Sigh. I feel blue…
on a much cheerier note tho... There's a new blog in town! If anyone fancies joining cuteCTguy and I in a spot of reading, we've started a book-club-blog-type thing. Check it out and see if it's of interest...


Scott in Iowa said...

Just get the puppy. It will make things all better. :-)

Sooo-this-is-me said...

I know how you feel buddy! Time for a change but change gets harder as we get older.


Anonymous said...

Look at it this way, you've got the inside track!

Make the change, Dearheart!

And eat up your cake!

Muzbot said...

I know exactly how you feel. I'm so over my workplace too. Although, I'm lucky because I can see a way out for me... I just have to be patient for the next 5 months while my new venture starts to take shape. I will of course be looking for a shop-boy when it kicks off if you want to pack up and move to sunny-down-town Sydney.

Tales of the City said...

Oh A BIG thank you to Muzbot for our header... Muz, new ventures? We wait to find out.
Darth - you are such a personable, charming guy.. talk to everyone you know about this situation and you never know what will be suggested or what opportunity will pop up. But be positive.. Good things will come.

Darth Gateau said...

Muzbot - will I get a uniform and a few minutes off each week? I'm always eager to please and exceptionally perky...

Trevor Messersmith said...

I hear you - despite the fact that I'm self-employed, I still yearn for a career change...


definitely checking out your new blog!

Matt said...

Darth, I'm wanting to hire an assistant ... and I think 40 is a perfect age.

Quite interesting new blog!

Monty said...

Oh DG, I'm sure Muz would procure something very interesting for you to wear!!! ;-)

PS You don't look like you're approaching 40! And hey, it's never too late to change careers!

joe*to*hell said...

i feel your pain. i been scremaing in circles for months. at one point, i will pick something and do it. andi will be poor. oh well

anyway, i want in for the book club