Friday, September 16, 2005

Jam Sponge

I'm having one of those days.


It's made me a bit cross to tell the truth.


I've got a sore eye - self inflicted pain - I poked myself in it with my sunglasses whilst in Seville and it's just got worse during the week.
I fell over on the way to work this morning - no major injuries, just some light throbbing in my ankle. Hugely dented pride tho as I tumbled over a piece of stone in some grass whilst rummaging through my bag. All straightforward up 'til then. However, it was right in front of the bus stop and as I spun out of control with my arms windmilling away I noticed the queue observe me with detached curiosity and vague amusement. Oooh.... my blush burned on for ages..... it's lonely out there when you're picking up the contents of your rucksack and praying for a handy place to hide.

To put a cap on it all, at lunchtime today on entering the dining room at work, my colleagues and I searched in vain for ages, looking for some food inspiration. Nothing came. I didn't fancy any of it! Oh the depression! Battered cod, veg korma, gammon sandwich (?), salad. It all left me feeling disappointed and a bit cranky. I settled on chips with mushy peas (grudgingly, of course!) and when I'd finished eating I just felt full but empty at the same time. Unfulfilled. Lunchtime drama eh? I don't even like jam sponge....

On the subject of achy eye. What can you do? Every blink. Yowsers!

At least it's the weekend. Only 2 days at work next week too as I'm off to New York for 5 days, to drink as many appletinis as I can before attempting the world shopping record for as many shops in one day coupled with ludicrous spend!

Can I get anyone anything whilst I'm there? I've got my list out....

1 comment:

Bella Della said...

Yes here is my list

1)A souvenir pen from Empire state building
2)a bloomingdales carrier bag
3)a big apple
3)a slice of New York cheescake
4)a pastrami sandwich on rye (with a side of dill pickle)
5)a NY firefighter
6)a big yellow taxi
7)a I love NY t-shirt
8)a bag of M&M's