Friday, February 15, 2008


I've been a bad blogger. I know. I shall read 100 spam emails, do 50 Facebook pokes and 25 spell checks as penance.

I've cheered up a bit since my last post. Absolutely none of the plans I've had have been put into action, I still have the same job and I still miss sunny blue skies and breezy weather (Sydney's in particular). I think I just got bored of being glum - it's not my natural default.

I'll blog over the weekend. Honest.


Scott in Iowa said...

Hey, you ARE still there!

I saw the picture and thought maybe you had decided on getting a puppy after all. I just figured the sleepless nights and constant pee pee clean up were keeping you too busy to blog.

Darth Gateau said...

I wish I could find a puppy like this one!

Trevor Messersmith said...

I was just about to ask if this was your new dog...

I just got a puppy and am trying not to turn my blog into a "daddy and Me" playground...

hope you're feeling better/less blue...