Saturday, September 08, 2007

Another slice...

Ok. My last post seemed to be of some minor success... so I'll continue in a similar vein with a different kind of twist. In my last post I explained that Australia had a special place in my heart. This is just one of the reasons why.

People travel around the world for many reasons and whilst backpacking these were often topics of discussion when meeting new people. What inspired them to travel, why they'd chosen to travel where etc. Lots of folks do it just to broaden their experiences and 'find themselves'. Now, if I'd had a pound for every person who'd said that to me I'd have been able to do the whole 2 year trip in First Class luxury and would never have had to worry about bedbugs or finding cockroaches in my bags. My point of view at the time (and even now, to some extent) was "pffft! What a load of bollocks!" Finding oneself seemed such a load of nonsense.

One very hot, very overcast, very humid day in Queensland I found myself considering the whole thing. It had been a stressful few days - the 4 of us hadn't been getting on so well - crammed in a camper van together for a few months meant all our nerves were fraying and I strode off down Mission Beach to get away from everyone so that I didn't thump them instead.

I thought about the concept of self discovery whilst travelling - at first I rejected it all then I did discover one thing... that being honest with myself wasn't as difficult as I expected it might be...

"...We left Cairns and drove the short journey to Mission Beach in the rain. The campsite is really nice and really close to the sea. I spent the afternoon alone on the beach. I love Jane, she's my best friend, but even she's getting on my nerves at the mo. Nick and Steve are driving me mad. They're so dull and, as far as they're concerned, anything that seems different or interesting about Australia just means deviating from their planned route or will just cost extra in petrol.

I sat on the beach this afternoon and really missed mum and dad. Right now I want to be with people who love me just because. It got me to thinking. Jane says she's really missing Ravi. I miss my family and my friends. I don't have anyone that I miss because I'm in love with them. It hurts. It hurts because I know why. I sat on the sand for a little while trying to avoid what had made it's way into my mind. There was no-one else there to distract me and sandcastles just don't do the trick at times like that. I can't believe how much I panicked. I felt so anxious and a bit sick forcing myself to really - REALLY - think about who I am. At one point I was so angry about it I thrashed around like a kid. That made me feel even more stupid so I slumped in a gloomy pile on a beautiful beach in a beautiful country and felt wretched. Fortunately, I've been blessed with at least a bit of an optimistic outlook. I decided I have no choice and that I need to deal with it.

I sat with my feet in the sea for a while which cheered me up and then decided I'd go and have a beer with Jane.

Don't know what to do now. I feel better that I've woken up to myself but totally clueless about what should be next.

Fuck I'm scared."

Mission Beach, Queensland, Australia. The place I eventually accepted I'm gay.

I even took a picture of it to make sure I didn't try to blank it from my mind. It took me a long time to do anything about it tho. I wish I'd tried harder but I was young and a bit spooked.


Muzbot said...

That is a great post Darth. Self discovery is one of life's greatest adventures, and it can be very rewarding and a lot of fun.

Guy In London said...

Wow, great post. My journey is only starting, but at least I've taken a couple of small steps. I've been wondering if I should go travelling to kick start some self discovery.

Darth, if I were near you right now - you'd get a big (masculine) hug!


PS. Please complete the story - did Jane know you were gay; is that when you told her etc. etc. etc.

Matt said...

That's probably the most personal post I've read from you. Thanks. You write beautifully.

Rick Rockhill said...

I love to travel. I take lots of photos and share them on my blog too. I went on a 19 day cruise thru the panama canal back in April and did a daily blog post from the ship. It cost me a small fortune in web time but it was worth it for me.

T said...

wow DG - such a 'real & heartfelt' story and so wise to take the photo as a momento. The older I get the ore my memory fades !!

Tales of the City said...

So beautifully written and moving.. DG, you should take up writing. Me thinks you have hidden talent.

JohnyStarr said...

That is absolutely beautiful, thank you for sharing that. I look forward to reading more about you.

Monty said...

Hey, I'm sure I left a message on this post...but now I'm not so's the blonde coming through I think! Anyway, great post! Glad that you have a good memory of Queensland (because I'm from Townsville, only about 90 mins away from Mission Beach)! lol
Big hug from me too! (and you'll get the real thing in a few weeks time) yay!

T said...

"fuck I'm scared" ... gee that about sums up my life and I think about it every bloody day.

It is great to read that you are an optimist ... may be I need to have some of that rub off on to me.