Thursday, November 09, 2006

Chinese food

I haven’t eaten any Chinese food today – or for quite a while, for that matter. However, I shall be chowing down on lots of it next week as I’m off to Hong Kong on business.

I really like Hong Kong – it’s bustling & lively and has that buzz that only a few cities seem to possess. It’s visually stunning and each time I go, I stand and look at the skyline from the harbour-side just dumbstruck that this fantastic view is entirely manmade. That’s what hits me every time as being so unusual. Not many manmade sites on such a grand scale can be considered beautiful or spectacular. Hong Kong manages to get away with it. Don’t ask me how, as it’s all glass, noise, light – I don’t even want to think what kind of electricity gets used up or how much pollution is being belched into the environment as a result..

Back to Chinese food briefly. I’m looking forward to lots of duck – I think that’s my fave, that and dim sum.

After my whistle-stop visit to Hong Kong for 2 nights, it’s back on the plane for 12 hours to London. Hopefully there’ll be some good films on the plane so I can fill up all that time.
My travels don’t end there, as the next week I’m boarding a long-haul flight again to visit New York – for fun. I hate to imagine what my carbon footprint is like…
I do work for an airline tho so travel is kind of unavoidable. Perhaps I can pay for some trees to be planted to offset my carbon footprint. I’m a bit worried that I’ve travelled so much on business this year and had some long haul holidays, that I don’t actually have a carbon footprint but a carbon off-road 4x4 dirt trail.

Sigh. I love trees – I need to look into tree projects to pay for my travel crimes….

1 comment:

Bella Della said...

Alright jetsetter !! I think you are in the US at the same time as me... we need to have a competition on how who shopped the most in the Thanksgiving Sales !! We will compare notes upon our return !
What is the latest 'in' drink featuring in Mr B land as I guess you may consuming copious amounts whilst in NY are apple martinis out ??