Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Toffee Apple Crumble

Not sure how I'm feeling about today's dessert. In principle I'm against it as I don't like toffee apples. However, toffee AND apple crumble could be a cheeky surprise. I remember getting quite tipsy in Sydney on Toffee Apple Martinis which were amazing....

I'm off to New York in 2 days - I can't wait. It's more or less an annual thing and I'm eager to hit the shops, bars and restaurants.
New York is kind of unique - it looks like a movie set (we all see it so much on TV), I love the sound of New York too - the honking horns and sirens. I love US drug stores - could spend hours in those - with their almost terrifying products which surely wouldn't be allowed in so many countries in Europe, yet the US is really wary of so many other kinds of drug that we have here in the UK. Wierd isn't it?!
I'm looking forward to eating donuts and bagels and hot-dogs on street corners. I might even throw in a pretzel, although they usually make me really thirsty. Always a good excuse to pop into a local hostelry for a cold beer and a sit down!

Things I don't like about New York
1. Outrageous theatre ticket prices
2. The fact that it's too expensive for me to own a Central Park view apartment
3. Having to leave to come home

In a way it's very similar to London - grubby, noisy but exciting and lively at the same time!

Ok. I'm now going to plan my eating/drinking/shopping itinerary. I may be some time.....

I look forward to seeing all of you New York bloggers in various bars around town. Please excuse me if I'm a little worse for wear and I apologise in advance for any untidy behaviour!

Friday, September 16, 2005

Jam Sponge

I'm having one of those days.


It's made me a bit cross to tell the truth.


I've got a sore eye - self inflicted pain - I poked myself in it with my sunglasses whilst in Seville and it's just got worse during the week.
I fell over on the way to work this morning - no major injuries, just some light throbbing in my ankle. Hugely dented pride tho as I tumbled over a piece of stone in some grass whilst rummaging through my bag. All straightforward up 'til then. However, it was right in front of the bus stop and as I spun out of control with my arms windmilling away I noticed the queue observe me with detached curiosity and vague amusement. Oooh.... my blush burned on for ages..... it's lonely out there when you're picking up the contents of your rucksack and praying for a handy place to hide.

To put a cap on it all, at lunchtime today on entering the dining room at work, my colleagues and I searched in vain for ages, looking for some food inspiration. Nothing came. I didn't fancy any of it! Oh the depression! Battered cod, veg korma, gammon sandwich (?), salad. It all left me feeling disappointed and a bit cranky. I settled on chips with mushy peas (grudgingly, of course!) and when I'd finished eating I just felt full but empty at the same time. Unfulfilled. Lunchtime drama eh? I don't even like jam sponge....

On the subject of achy eye. What can you do? Every blink. Yowsers!

At least it's the weekend. Only 2 days at work next week too as I'm off to New York for 5 days, to drink as many appletinis as I can before attempting the world shopping record for as many shops in one day coupled with ludicrous spend!

Can I get anyone anything whilst I'm there? I've got my list out....

Monday, September 12, 2005

Banana Pudding with Cinnamon Custard

My first reaction to this is '?'

I had to give it some serious thought. But on the whole, after a bit of a think, I reckon I quite like the sound of it. Sadly I'm not in my own office today so I can't taste it to provide any further info... how upsetting.

However, something I CAN comment on is food in Seville! I've just returned from a few days there and I'm very full of tapas! Too delish for words really. Not much cake consumed but quite frankly I wouldn't have had the space. There was a great deal of belt loosening and letting out of shorts drawstrings. The heat was lovely - 34 degrees each day with beautiful balmy evenings spent outside getting totally lashed up in streetside bars and clubs until 6am. Nothing begins to gear up until about 11pm and clubs don't even start chilling the beers until 3am! The people of Seville are stunning and even those considered less better looking made me feel like the chunkier business end of a mule....
Still, it's always nice to people watch (which I love almost as much as cake!) when the people are utterly gorgeous.

Of course I have spent the day mulling over how much I'd like to move to Spain so that I could spend days drifting languidly from home, to work, to siesta, then onwards to tapas and evenings of lighthearted hysteria with a crowd of beautiful people. Alas, my thoughts always return to the facts that a) I'm not independently wealthy enough to do so; b) I don't speak Spanish (yet!) and; c) I'm nowhere near fabulous enough to look at in order to compete!

Aah well. London is cool and I enjoy living here - plus there is always cake nearby and they don't sell Jaffa Cakes in Spain - they'd melt in the heat.

Monday, September 05, 2005

Pear & Apricot Crumble

Hmmm... I'm not thrilled by the sound of today's dessert. I'm not a big fan of pears and I only like dried apricots.

I'm really tired today so the thing I should really be concentrating on getting is coffee! Actually, a nice cup of coffee would be great about now. I'll finish my sparkly water first.

Had a nice relaxing weekend vegging about and doing virtually nothing. It's amazing how time flies when you're loafing about! I did some major, aimless gawping about on Saturday which was most enjoyable, then popped myself onto the sofa to watch the X factor and then went to sit in front of a bigger screen at the cinema to see "The Business" - cool film - quite fun with a hilarious 80's soundtrack - made me feel nostalgic and old all at the same time!

Sunday I got up at 9.15 and headed straight for the sofa to start in earnest quite early. I then moved from the sofa to a sofa bed in front of my X-Box which occupied my fly-wheel attention span for an hour or so. Lunch in the garden was followed by some seriously focused drifting about the house deciding where to beach myself next. I chose a beanbag near to the TV but also within easy slouching distance from the kitchen and snacks....

Aah. I just don't understand why I'm so weary today tho... Must have been the huge thunderstorms during the night and the resulting honking/quacking mayhem from the birds on the dock where I live.