Tuesday, February 21, 2006

cake that you have on your birthday

Well. I'm feeling very weary. I've just spent the weekend in lovely Rome. It was great. I like it a lot. The food is fab, the weather was warm (warmer than here anyway!) and the people are all so cool it's unbelievable. Even the slightly less attractive people were so chic they made me feel like a bag of spanners as I lumped around the place. It was my birthday yesterday and the trip to Rome was my present from the other half. And a splendid gift it was too. I insisted on many coffee stops whilst wending my way from spectacular edifice to stunning historic moument (and they're only the ice creams I consumed - not even mentioned the sightseeing yet!)

Back to work today tho and it's all so grey and grim that it's taking all of my powers of concentration to prevent my head from slumping to my desk in a drool puddled stupour. However, there's always the cake. We have plenty on offer today but my faves so far (I've only tried a couple) are chocolate pies and mini lemon meringues - well done Waitrose!!!!

It's also raining now too which is adding to my feelings of absolute gloom. When oh when will it be Spring again. Then I can gallop with crazy foolish abandon across tulip laden meadows towards a table groaning with the weight of afternoon tea and biccies. Sigh.

I could do with a serious lie down now. In between the last paragraph and this, I squeezed a doughnut in. It was only a small one so I thought it was probably rude not to...

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